Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that cause respiratory infections. These can range fr om the common cold to more serious diseases. COVID-19 is a new form of coronavirus. The virus is spread fr om person to person through close contact, droplets from coughs or sneezes, and contact with surfaces infected by these droplets followed by touching the face or mouth. Symptoms of COVID-19 may include a cough, fever, tiredness, and difficulty breathing (in severe cases) and many more. Symptoms can develop between 1 and 14 days after infection. Elderly people and people with underlying medical conditions are more vulnerable to serious illness.

For more information please click here.

At Elephas Education we understand we play an important role on reducing the impact and spread of all contagious diseases. During a pandemic we work closely with the Department of Education, WorkSafe Australia and the Queensland Government in ensuring that we maintain thorough cleaning and hygienic standards through additional measures.

We have undertaken a thorough risk assessment in consultation with staff members and identified possible risks and hazards to our learning environment and practices.

Where possible, we have eliminated or minimised all risks as is reasonably practicable. We will continue to review control measures and address those risks. We have kept all staff and families informed on the changing risks at our workplace and the control measures being implemented to minimise these risks. We have identified children and adults with compromised immunity or complex health care needs. We have identified and established a suitable area separate from the studios for children who are displaying symptoms of cold and flu to await pick up by parents/carer.

Practicing good hygiene is vital to protect your family from COVID-19. This includes regular washing of hands using correct hand washing techniques, thoroughly cleaning surfaces and touch points that may have come in contact with the virus, and coughing or sneezing into a tissue that is immediately discarded or into your elbow.

Stay at home as much as possible, and avoid unnecessarily leaving the house. Practice good social distancing by keeping 1.5 meters away from other people. Follow all Government advice and rules as these measures are in place to protect you, your family, and other members of your community.

Should you or your children develop symptoms it is important that you phone your doctor and follow any medical advice that you are given.

We recognise our responsibility and the role we play within the community in ensuring the health, safety & wellbeing for all whom attend an Elephas Education centre. We have implemented strong but comforting measures to protect against the coronavirus COVID19.

The following conditions of entry will be adhered to:

  • A register/log has been set up and we have limited the number of adults persons in the building at any one time.
  • Anyone presenting symptoms of being unwell or flu-like symptoms will be refused entry into our centres.
  • Staff, children and accompanying adult will have temperatures taken on arrival and periodically throughout the day.
  • Staff and visitors will practice social distancing to the best of their ability between adults.
  • We have placed social distancing reminder stickers on floors and gates.
  • All hands must be washed using warm soapy water or antibacterial hand sanitiser.
  • Staff and families are to bring limited objects and items into the centres.
  • Where possible, we will stagger the drop off and collection of children to ensure less foot traffic as possible.

The following conditions of cleaning and hygiene will be adhered to:

  • All staff complete up to date ‘COVID-19 Infection Control Training’
  • Hand washing is occurring on entrance into each new studio or environment, after touching eyes, nose or mouth.
  • High touch surfaces are cleaned and sanitised at least twice daily or more frequently in high trafficking areas.
  • Daily cleaning standards are maintained at a high standard at all times.
  • Additional cleaners after hours once-twice a week for high trafficking and common areas.
  • Staff use appropriate PPE for cleaning as precaution.
  • Resources and materials are continuously sanitised through the day.
  • Personal belongings remain in individual lockers to avoid cross contamination.

COVID-19 poses risks to people with underlying conditions, so we do encourage you to keep that in mind when deciding whether you are comfortable with your child attending the service. Children with a medical condition must have a Medical Management Plan, a Risk Minimisation Plan and a Communication Plan in place. They also need to have sufficient medication at the centre. If you choose to continue to send your child to our centre, we do ask that you engage with our Educators to communicate any specific needs your child requires.

To ensure the health and wellbeing of our families and staff at our centres, we are strictly following and adhering to Government and health advice and rules around COVID-19 and attending childcare. These measures are extended to all of our staff, the children attending our centres, parents, and visitors attending our centres.

These measures include:

  • Any person who has COVID-19, may not attend the centre until they have been cleared as medically fit and are displaying no symptoms.
  • Any person who has returned from overseas or been in contact with somebody from overseas, cannot enter the centre until they have completed their isolation period of 14 days and have been declared medically fit and are displaying no symptoms.
  • Any person who has been in contact with somebody who is displaying the symptoms of COVID-19 may not enter the centre until their 14-day self-isolation period is over and they have been declared medically fit and are displaying no symptoms.
  • If a public health authority has informed you that your child has been in contact with a confirmed or probable case of COVID-19, they cannot attend childcare until the authority tells you it is safe for them to do so.

No. To ensure the health and wellbeing of all the children and staff at our centre we advise you to keep your children at home. Follow recommendations from the Department of Health, monitor any symptoms and practice self-isolation for a minimum of 14 days. Please contact your Centre Manager and your local doctor to advise them of the situation.

We carefully observe all children upon arrival to ensure they present well. Anyone presenting with cold and flu-like symptoms will be separated from the other children and sent home. You must bring in a medical clearance before returning. If your child is showing COVID-19 symptoms at home, we do ask that you keep them at home and seek medical attention. Contact your Centre Manager to advise of the absentee and update us on the doctor’s recommendations and medical clearance to return.

Any Educator or staff member who is displaying symptoms of COVID-19 must not attend the centre until they have received medical clearance. Should a staff member begin to display signs of COVID-19 whilst at the centre, they must immediately go home and cannot return until they have received medical clearance.

Support is available if you are concerned about COVID-19 or are distressed because you are in quarantine or sick. It is important to look after your mental health. The Australian Government is providing additional Medicare-subsidised psychological therapy sessions for Australians affected by the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic.

For more information please click here.

If you are experiencing financial hardship the Australian Government have payments and services that may help you and your family.

We will continue to evaluate and enhance the measures we are taking to protect all children, families, staff and visitors. We welcome feedback to support the welfare of our communities.